Sunday, January 02, 2005

Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil?

I figure I may as well bring things up to date.

On New Years Eve I went to the Cerbuses and played Scattegories and Apples to Apples. After the ball dropped and New Years Day officially began, things settled down and we planned on watching Napoleon Dynamite but our plans were foiled and Arsenic and Old Lace was settled for instead. Around 3:30 it was mutually decided by the survivors of the night that turning in sounds like a good idea. So that's what happened.

It's worth mentioning that the Cerbuses have access to the most absolutely awesome shower in the world. The world. A shower head in the wall, concrete floor, and curtains hanging around it. I seriously don't know why Mrs. Cerbus pretended to be all flustered about such a great shower. Really, it is so simple and low maintenance and it's great.

Anyway, it was then off the John Cavanaugh's to watch episodes IV, V, and VI of Star Wars. I must admit, it's the first time I've actually watched all three at an age where I could actually follow what was happening.

Then I create this blog. And I slept. Soundly.

The morning service had quite a fitting message from Jeremiah 6 for the new year. I find it kind of funny how simple the right way to act in a crisis is, yet how hard it usually is to actually do. It's easy to be rash and impatient and to do the easy thing and take the route that seems best--not only for small decisions, but for big ones as well. Even decisions that are so big and even natural that you don't recognize them as decisions until you reflect on them much later. Really, if humility were a color, that would be pretty close to the color of my face when I reflect on my own life.

And today for our late Christmas, I learn what people truly feel of the ADD approach to guitar playing. It seems that most generally frown upon the idea of playing a few lines here, a few lines there, and then improvising various bluesy-sounding things. But hey, it wasn't my idea to let them hear the Epiphone so if they don't appreciate it, it's no sweat off my nose. So yeah, I don't know why, but people seem to think that you should sit there and play an entire song. Talk about boring, eh? Maybe I'll do that when I learn to sing. Until then, it's the eclectic approach. Mostly.

Anyway, I must be getting rest as I have to wake up early to endure 12 or so hours of extended Lord of the Rings.

gratuitous picture currently from the east deck:

music: Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here


At 12:50 AM, Blogger hatrick said...

As a trusted pastor and friend told me, surely the BBC has more than the Indianapolis Star since the BBC realizes there is a world out there.
But what's this? No comment on the iTunes link?


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