Sunday, June 18, 2006

The trip home

Friday night, I headed down to Indy to watch Cinderella Man at the Ray house.

Cinderella Man, aside from the excessive use of God's name in vain and some humanist undertones, it's a very well done movie that contrasts good strong relationships with weak and strained ones. I won't go too deep into what all was in the movie. If you didn't hear the discussion afterward, you'll just have to deal with it. But I will say it's a good movie, filled with laughter! tears! and characters that will leave you fightin' mad!

On Saturday, I was briefly able to reacquaint myself with the joys of welding. All that had to be done was to fix a bracket to the rear axle. I'm just kinda sad that the job was as small as it was. But I was slightly excited to see how far along the Sunbeam is coming.

The engine, painted an obnoxious Chevy orange, despite the fact that it's a Ford block. But oh well.. the turbocharger makes up for it a little.

Check out the front brakes. A definite upgrade from the stock ones. Notice how the discs just about fill up the rims, and how the caliper barely clears the inner edge of the rim. I predict that this car will stop 239423 times faster than a stock Sunbeam.

After that, my dad and I went over to Indy to get some breakfast and then killed some time looking at guns and other various sporting items. To my dismay, Popguns has been transformed from a warm and friendly hunter's lodge with good ol' new and used rifles and shotguns to a cop wannabe urban assault haven.

Then we headed out to my Aunt Ann and Uncle Jim's place where we ate supper at Lakeview, a restaurant I haven't been to since I was about five. I remember quite vividly going there when I was younger since the restaurant overlooks a large pond with ducks and geese that you can go out and feed leftovers to.

After that, we hung out on my aunt and uncle's back porch talking.

I tried very hard to digitally catch the elusive hummingbird.


On the way back, I thought I saw a severed goat head tied to a fence. I figured it must have been a leftover from the recent June 6, 2006 superstition. Turns out it wasn't a goat head after all, but a possum.

Though it's not quite as exciting as a severed goat head, it's still sorta unusual that he is draped over the fence. You can't tell from the picture, but inside the fence is a small graveyard. Creepy, eh?

A little further down McConaha Road is this old one lane bridge.

I guess I took a little too long to take the pictures, because my dad ventured out to check up on me. In retrospect, I probably did take too long. In fact, I took so much time, I didn't head back to Lafayette until about 11 that night. I was so tired, I had to stop two times to take a nap on the way back because I was drifting off into the land of nod. I made it home at about 3 a.m.

Longest. Trip. To. Lafayette. Ever.


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