Wednesday, January 05, 2005

All the ducks are swimming in the water...

If you were to look outside, you would see rain. Observe from the east deck:

There is so much rain, the new biology room that they worked on all last semester is leaking. About seven tiles have fallen off the ceiling and about seven more are soaked. It's sort of sad. We get a nice new fancy room with these nice facilities and a big expensive fume hood thing and it all gets rained on. Biology should be interesting with trash cans all over the place collecting dripping water.

In art, Jake looked out the window at the flat roof and all the water on it and proclaims, "Lake Triton!" You'd think that they would put some sort of drainage on flat roofs instead of let low spots form and collect water. Just goes to show you, I guess.

In other news not related to water, I need jewelers wax. Not only is that stuff expensive, it is also apparently hard to find. There are a few places on the internet that I could order it from. Who knows how long it would take to get here. I'm thinking I will definitely need some high quality wax anyway for what I have in mind. I want to make a ring with a textured band (I can't really describe the texture I have in mind) and then I'll put the Led Zeppelin "ZoSo" on it. I'm really not even sure if I'm capalbe of pulling it off, but if I can, it would look great.

Whatever I end up doing, with two art periods this semester, I should be able to find the time to do it. There is only one real disadvantage to two art periods, and that is that a lot of the kids in art aren't Triton's finest. That's not completely bad, I suppose. I think it's good to see and talk to all kinds of people but on the other hand it can be easy to be associated with them in the wrong ways.

music: Lemon Jelly - Nice Weather for Ducks
(ain't it true?)


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