Thursday, January 19, 2006

Fickle me not, dear weather

There comes a time every year when I get really excited about the seasons. When fall gets here, I love it. The air cools off but the sun stays warm. Plus, in Indiana, we're blessed with a wide palatte of foliage. But after a while fall gets kinda old and tired and it's time for something new.

Usually in the nick of time, winter comes along and brings with it snow. This year was especially true. Big huge honkin' flakes falling down like crazy, getting something like five inches of snow in one night. That's good for a few weeks at the most, then the snow starts melting away and not being so pretty. I think to myself that we need something else to come along.

But then!

Two days ago we got what looked like a promise of a good deal of snow. It didn't last more than forty minutes, though. The flakes were huge and it came down in healthy amounts, looked awesome, but it was already looking sad by the next day. It's time to move on.

And today is what seems to be our first little taste of spring weather. I'm excited. I can't wait to walk barefoot through some cool springy green grass. I don't care if it's still January.


At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) I'm jealous of your snow 2) we're having the weirdest winter here in Philly... It was winter at the end of fall, and now it's spring.


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