Thursday, July 06, 2006

Attack by the jungle woman

I'll preface this post with the story of Josh Sturm and his narrow escape.

I don't have any stories nearly that exciting. Usually, the only thing that ever happens is the occasional giggly girl. These are no problem, though, because the situation can be taken care of before it even becomes a situation. All you have to do is avoid eye contact.

I did just meet an aggressive one, though. I was out at the mall getting my glasses fixed (saying oculus repairum didn't work) when this blonde jumps out from the crowd at me. She's all bright and smiley, and she says "Hey!" all cheerful-like. I check her hands to see if they're holding a clipboard. At the mall, you might get accosted by clipboard-holding types who conduct surveys. But she was empty handed. No survey. I immediately think to myself, "It's one of those fast types that Sturm blogged about. Better stay cool so as not to let her smell my fear."

I couldn't ignore her, so I did the only thing that made sense. I said, "Good evening" and kept on walking without breaking stride.

She must have been a noob with the whole pursuing thing, because she just stopped, gave me a slightly puzzled look, and laughed. I'm not sure why she laughed, or even if she was laughing at me or herself, but in any case....



At 11:27 PM, Blogger Edwin Allen Henry said...

Dude, I have been hit on my two different gay men - have I told you about those experiences? They were both quite uncomfortable... They were both black men, come to think of it. Anyways, I'll have to tell you about it sometime if I haven't already...
God bless,


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