Saturday, January 08, 2005

The system is (was) down...

The internet was down for a while for some reason so there was a general lack of blogging from me.

School has picked up at its usual pace. I have two reams of worksheets for biology to finish for the end of the semester. Plus there is a project in English with very vague instructions that has left me all kinds of confused. I don't know what to think of that.

David cut his hair! His once glorious ponytail has been lopped off at the shoulders. I almost didn't recognize him. Following that note (hah, note, that's a pun) forming chords began to make a little bit of sense. I won't go into any details here but I think I've nailed the basics. I'm still a bit unsure about things like suspensions and sevens (in the same chord) because finding the root is just nuts. Anyway, that's about all I'll say about that.

Mr. Elder gave me a Topical Memory System. I'm really glad he did since I have been wanting to memorize verses but I haven't had any idea where to start. So now I do have an idea where to start, sixty verses arranged by topic, and he'll be checking our progress on memorization each week.

I finally got my car back from the body shop. My only complaint is there are a couple of holes where a Mercury badge should go. I filled those holes in on my old header panel, but they didn't get filled in on the new one. I could put a Mercury badge there but I just don't think it would look right next to a Ford badge. So it's a small complaint, nothing huge. Cookie, as always, did an excellent job repairing and painting.

That pretty much sums up the week.

music: Radiohead - No Surprises


At 2:34 PM, Blogger Charity said...

I'm so glad all our power did was flicker for a couple seconds! :-D


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