Friday, March 11, 2005

Benefit Concert

Tonight was a benefit concert for Amber Riggs who was seriously injured by a drunk driver. In this benefit concert was Matt Mason. For those that don't know, Matt is a Triton Central graduate with some potential as a country singer.

Tonight, the majority of the country songs he sang dealt with heavy drinking. One song even included some lyrics that said we shouldn't judge him for being a drinker.

I don't mean to make this sound like a completely negative thing. It is awesome that we had so many people turn out for the supper, auction, and raffle. It was also great to see so many people donating their time and money and all the local businesses that donated hundreds if not thousands of dollars of merchandise. But really... what was Mr. Mason thinking? You don't sing about drinking at a concert benefitting a girl maimed by a drunk driver.


At 5:05 PM, Blogger Nathan said...

Read my current post and join in (even if you don't care about bball)! ya know you could win $10,000 (well, prolly not, but still it'll be fun if I can get a lot of people to join).

At 7:17 PM, Blogger Shirley Temple said...

you need to update

At 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man P-Blue - you haven't updated in a while! What's up with that? I've updated more than you in the past month! (That's crazy!)
Anyways... I guess I'll talk to ya later!

God Bless,


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