Saturday, January 29, 2005

You say you love day but you come out at night

Turns out Brebeuf Jesuit beat us pretty bad. If you want to see the slaughter, it will be Feb. 5 at 7:30 PM. I don't know what channel. I won't be watching it anyway. At least it was a good opportunity to have a good free lunch and go to a few bookstores where I picked up a CD I've been wanting and another CD I haven't been wanting but don't regret getting anyway. The latter is The Zutons. I listened to the 30 second clips that were available and decided it was probably one of the freshest sounds I've heard in a while and picked it up. Consider yourself urged to check it out.

School has gotten incredibly boring. Lately it doesn't even seem like there is homework to keep my occupied. Not that I'm complaining.

I'm thinking it will be getting interesting soon, anyway. Drama practice will be starting soon for me. The spring play will be the Diary of Anne Frank. Mr. Wilson's vision of how it will be includes intense light and sound so for the first time, I actually won't be in charge of both. He says there are over 100 sound effects through the play which is a lot more than I've done before. It should certainly make it interesting. I won't be able to do my usual shenanigans such and raising and lowering the chair and spinning around in circles. While that is a bummer, at least I'll be busy.

My guitar instructor, Dave, has been pretty unreliable lately. Tuesday he didn't even show up. Another guy that gives lessons that used to be at Indy's Music House, Tony, was there so he gave me a lesson. He gave me the low-down on this method of picking called Travis picking, named after Merle Travis. It's great stuff to play, really fun and sounds nice once you get the hang of it. It has a very American sound to it.

Today there was a University of Scouting luncheon and my mom received the Silver Beaver award which is the highest honor the Crossroads of America Council can give for serving local Boy Scouts. Mad props to her for that.

music: The Zutons - You Will You Won't


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