Monday, February 14, 2005

I'm pretty tired... I think I'll go home now...

I feel silly using a quote from Forrest Gump.

Today I accomplished something I've been building up to for about two weeks. I ran two miles. Normally for me, after running for five minutes, I think, "Oh man, I'm running," and I quit. Five minutes is a long time when you think about it. But no, today, I went well past what I usually do. It's sort of funny how it happens. I just reached a point where I could run, and it would start to hurt, and I'd continue anyway, and it would stop hurting. After that, I felt like I could go as long as I wanted to within practical reason. It really does feel nice. I know I'm still out of shape, but I have to be in the best shape I have ever been in my life.

music: Jefferson Airplanes - White Rabbit


At 2:54 PM, Blogger Edwin Allen Henry said...

We should go running sometime - like meet halfway at on 74 or something. ;)

At 6:56 PM, Blogger Nathan said...

It's weird, but running can be lots of fun. I don't know why (as Josh M said its about as pointless as pounding a hammer on your head for 20 minutes) but it just is.


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