Sunday, January 30, 2005

Coup de Cheveux

(before anyone comments on the spelling of the title, I'll point out that it's meant to be a bad pun)

I've been thinking about a haircut for some time. Long hair does have its perks such as... well, your hair is long. And it also has its downs such as getting hair everywhere, the rinse-lather-repeat thing, combing, more hair all over the place, drying it, hair all over the place... you get the idea.

I've been keeping this on the DL for some obvious reasons. I've made some remarks about how bad haircuts are and I'll have a hard time eating those words. So to make the ingestion a bit more palatable, I've decided to add a bit of humor.

Me? Do something stupid for the sake of a cheap laugh? Never! you say.

If all things go according to plan tonight I'll have my hair sectioned off into squares and...

...give myself dreadlocks. That's right. RED DREADS! Pictures will be sure to follow if it happens.

In the meantime between the actual dreads and the haircut (whenever that may be) I need to come up with a decent style. It's something I've started to take for granted. Now I feel for all those girls that think they need to change their hairstyle every week. Changing something as prominant as your hair is stressful.

Anyway, I'm sure to get some comments and laughs at school. I'm not completely un-used to it. I remember what it was like to have blue hair and I imagine dreadlocks aren't much different as far as the reactions.

A couple of people have actually (seriously) encouraged me to get dreads so it will be interesting to see what their reaction will be.

music: The Zutons - Don't Ever Think (Too Much)


At 4:03 AM, Blogger Edwin Allen Henry said...

Dude, whatever happened to the dreads idea? You should have done it at Purdue. :)


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