Monday, October 31, 2005


For COM 114 today we had to come up with a product to sell, and create a convincing advertisement using some five points. Attention getter, problem, solution, visualization, and call to action or something like that. Our companie's name was BITE'M (British Institute for Training Emus to Maul).

This is very condensed.

Attention getter: Don't you hate having your guard dog barking at every single person that crosses the street, making a ruckus and annoying the neighbors?

Problem: Well, we know many people with such a problem, and who have the need for a guard dog. So what are we to do?

Solution: We have found that emus don't bark.

Visualization: Imagine you're sitting at home, relaxing, watching TV, reading the paper, whatever, and a would-be thief comes stealing across your lawn only to have his day ruined by your attack emu.

Call to action: This can become a reality by getting your own attack emu. Concerned about funds? Don't be! We have many reasonable payment plans.

I drew a picture on the board of a guy throwing valuables into the air as he was being chased by an emu.

Then in psychology, some kids came rushing in during the middle of class dressed up in Family Double Dare costumes. They started chanting "DOUBLE DARE! DOUBLE DARE!" and they threw pies in each other's faces. Then they ran up the aisles and out of the lecture hall. The professor was pretty much flabbergasted for a second, I think. It was pretty darn funny.


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