Friday, January 27, 2006

I randomly describe the week

So last Tuesday my bike got stranded at Windsor because the key broke off in the lock. Mia got a maintenance guy to cut my lock with bolt cutters and I took off to Wal-Mart to get a nifty new lock.

I was pressured into going to AfterDark. The music was très cool. The gospel presentation was interesting too, though he did say one thing that made me think, "Whaat?" Other than that, it was pretty cool. I still kinda wish I could have made it to wallyball.

Greg explained to me how radians work, and the correlation of sin and cosine to x and y. Wow, trig almost makes sense now.

Wednesday night, I spent way too much time writing essays and practicing my technical writing skills.

I turned in those essays Thursday morning and found out I printed too few copies. So I had to run upstairs and print more. My professor is so nice to let me leave class to do that..
I took such a hardcore nap that afternoon that I turned off BOTH alarms in my sleep, my cell phone and alarm clock, and missed my econ lecture. I was invited for dinner over at the girls' house on Salisbury and Caroline was awesome enough to make me a copy of her notes, though.

While doing math homework at Green Gables, I needed a graph of the sin function. So I go to Google Images and type "sin." I don't recommend anyone does that.

Later that night Anna smelled a suspicious odor. My nose, which has been exposed to Triton Central for long enough to know suspicious smells, was recruited to sniff the situation out. The trip back was interesting.

Now I'm done eating breakfast, and it's time for me to go to my econ recitation. Perhaps I'll go more in-depth later.

Cool song: Radiohead - Amnesiac/Morning Bell


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