Monday, January 24, 2005


Well here we go. The second night I try to make this honest effort of listening to my body and how tired it's telling me I am and I'm ignoring it already. Deep down I really don't care about homework but I seem to insist on finishing it anyway. This "short" story is 20 pages and for some reason, I'm going to force myself to read it even though I'm about to fall down face-first asleep.

I never did go to Butler. It got postponed until Wednesday. If this headache I have doesn't go away, I may ask someone to fill in for me anyway.

Last week consisted of Café Cubini and telling myself I need to do homework. I've been really behind on this homework business lately. Homework... maybe it's the senioritis talking, but why bother? Really, I have at least ten more credits than I need to graduate. The only credit I need that I don't have is government. If I had just taken that as a freshman or something, I probably could have graduated halfway though my junior year if not sooner. It's funny that we're not allowed to do that while there are colleges advertising that you can get a four year degree in three years. They should do that for high school.

About Café Cubini, though. It was my first and last year participating in it. All in all, I'd say it was pretty neat. It's certainly a different idea as far as a way to raise money. Not only that, but everything was set up all spiffy looking and the food was excellent.

music: Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I-V)


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