Friday, February 03, 2006

No creative title

So last night I took my guitar to Green Gables so I could go to Cair Paravel with it. That was pretty cool, even though I don't know any hymns or spiritual songs which makes things a little tricky.

I stayed the night at Green Gables since that's easier than going back to Cary in the wee hours of the morning while it's raining. (Plus I get to walk to class with Isaac, Ryan, and Anna which is cool.) I saw a problem arise this morning, though! I had to be in class, and my guitar was at Green Gables! What to do?! I concluded that I'd just take it to class.

I'm (pleasantly) surprised that I didn't get any reactions. Hopefully classes that I take my guitar to in the future will be equally nonchalant.

I'm off to Econ.


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