Saturday, February 19, 2005


You think that maybe the whole bad weather thing is over for a bit and what do you step out on the porch to find but freezing rain. They look like little star-shaped sprinkles.

music: Jamiroquai - Canned Heat

Monday, February 14, 2005

I'm pretty tired... I think I'll go home now...

I feel silly using a quote from Forrest Gump.

Today I accomplished something I've been building up to for about two weeks. I ran two miles. Normally for me, after running for five minutes, I think, "Oh man, I'm running," and I quit. Five minutes is a long time when you think about it. But no, today, I went well past what I usually do. It's sort of funny how it happens. I just reached a point where I could run, and it would start to hurt, and I'd continue anyway, and it would stop hurting. After that, I felt like I could go as long as I wanted to within practical reason. It really does feel nice. I know I'm still out of shape, but I have to be in the best shape I have ever been in my life.

music: Jefferson Airplanes - White Rabbit

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Oh yeah

I almost forgot I have a blog.

Some stuff went down. There was the ski trip which was awesome.

Tonight was my first night of drama practice. So far there is more to do in Act I than all of any other play I've done in the past. I'll definitely be kept on my feet for this one.

Steve Vai's new album is coming out February 22. Previews for all the songs can be heard at From what I can tell, it all sounds like it will be pretty good. Special note goes to K'm-pee-du-wee, Freak Show Excess, Lotus Feet, and Yai Yai. Yai Yai seems especially interesting. Sounds like a guitar talking. Kinda far-East sounding, too.

Well, it's just past 8:30 and I feel like going to bed. I think I shall.