Monday, October 31, 2005


For COM 114 today we had to come up with a product to sell, and create a convincing advertisement using some five points. Attention getter, problem, solution, visualization, and call to action or something like that. Our companie's name was BITE'M (British Institute for Training Emus to Maul).

This is very condensed.

Attention getter: Don't you hate having your guard dog barking at every single person that crosses the street, making a ruckus and annoying the neighbors?

Problem: Well, we know many people with such a problem, and who have the need for a guard dog. So what are we to do?

Solution: We have found that emus don't bark.

Visualization: Imagine you're sitting at home, relaxing, watching TV, reading the paper, whatever, and a would-be thief comes stealing across your lawn only to have his day ruined by your attack emu.

Call to action: This can become a reality by getting your own attack emu. Concerned about funds? Don't be! We have many reasonable payment plans.

I drew a picture on the board of a guy throwing valuables into the air as he was being chased by an emu.

Then in psychology, some kids came rushing in during the middle of class dressed up in Family Double Dare costumes. They started chanting "DOUBLE DARE! DOUBLE DARE!" and they threw pies in each other's faces. Then they ran up the aisles and out of the lecture hall. The professor was pretty much flabbergasted for a second, I think. It was pretty darn funny.

This One's for Mrs. C

Ok, so there's a coffee mug full of coffee in the basement of Green Gables. I brought the misfortune upon myself to peer into it. Mold is covering it like a blanket. I picked it up and put it under Ryan's nose. He didn't like it. A bit later, Ross came home and I asked him whose coffee that was. He peered into it and said, "I didn't know coffee could do that."

Cat with Hands

How appropriate for Halloween! I think I've posted this before somewhere, but it's a really cool short video. Give it a watch, won't you?

Cat with Hands

Thursday, October 27, 2005


The Adventures of Pete & Pete are available on Amazon! This, along with Rocko's Modern Life, had to be one of my very most top awesome favorite shows of all time growing up. The humor is so weird! This, my friends, is going to be impulsively ordered by me. You should order it too.

Oh yeah, and about that upside-down nose. First and foremost, it's an album cover for Pink Floyd's album Meddle. And secondly it is art. That's pretty much another way of saying it's nothing at all. Really. As far as I can tell, it's whatever your mind wants it to be. I will admit, it looks very much like an upside-down nose to me as well.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Stupid 12 passenger van...

OK, so I'm working at the car wash. Stop singing. Anyway, I climb up on the front bumper of a Chevy Express 12 passenger van to clean the windshield. I lose my footing and fall down! A bit shocked at the mishap, I stand there for a second and say to Ryan, who was looking at me, "That didn't happen." Ryan says, "I'm going to blog about it!"

So here I am, blogging about it first. I'm stealing Ryan's glory! HA!

I mean, oops. That was dumb of me.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Wow I have pictures

I totally forgot I had pictures on my camera. They were taken Saturday for my landscape architecture class. Don't let the name fool you. It's not really about landscape architecture, it's more about styles of houses.

The class is good for opening my eyes to old houses, anyway.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


It's the perfect weather to listen to Pink Floyd's album Meddle.

I implore you to do that right now.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The article

Thanks Kara for the link to the article. I looked at The Exponent's site and was under the impression that they only archive after six months. Anyway, here it is in all its quoted glory.

On Oct. 1, as I was walking home from Chauncey Village, a line of people carrying cards about abortion greeted me. They were carrying cards with slogans like "Abortion Kills." The line went up to the Catholic Center.

I was totally insulted by by this. We are a free country, we believe in free speech and freedom of choice. But why is that freedom denied to women? Why do we have the whole society tell us what to do and what not to do? The decision to keep a baby or not is a very personal decision and should be left to a woman and her doctor. Telling a woman that if she aborts a child she will be sinner is wrong.

The other thing that angered me was that they were doing this inside the University campus. Is there no University rule that can stop this? We have so many young men and women on campus, and if they see that in the 21st century it is still right to order and direct woman, the whole purpose of education is defeated.

I hope that in future this kind of activity will be kept away from campus.

Bhumika Ghimire

West Lafayette, Ind.

Not only should the first amendment be done away with according to Bhumika, but we're infringing upon the liberties of women! Evil men that we are!

Isaac and Stephen already touched on this subject as Anna was driving us back from the Beavers' house.

Isaac: Doesn't he realize that I know a good number of woman [sic] was there?
Stephen: Yeah, 78% of Anna was there, that's a significant amount of woman.

So there you have it folks. I guess I don't know what the point is. Then again, I'm not sure what Bhumika's point is either. Well, I guess my point is, if men could have babies to abort and we aborted them, I'd be still be protesting.

(edited for clarity, it was too early when I first wrote it)

Monday, October 17, 2005

The Exponent and Life Chain

I really wish I had a copy of the opinion written in to The Exponent. It was regarding Life Chain, and how such a protest should be illegal. I just wish to say that I agree. The First Amendment is extraneous anyway.

The First Amendment says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Oh, grow up.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

So tired

-Gave a speech at 8:30
-Studied for inevitable quiz
-Took said quiz, had more class
-Career fair
-Almost choked on a mint at career fair
-Realized my left arm aches a lot and I think it might be dying
-A moment to eat

And here I have my first free moment. I'm really tired. Before college, I wouldn't have thought days could hold so much. It's like my day was so dense, it has a gravitational field of its own and it's sucking out my energy.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005


My dorm room smells like a dorm room now. Reminds me of when I'd visit Purude years ago.

This morning is really rough because it's cold. So I took a really hot shower. That was good. Then it was time to turn the hot water off and face the open window in the bathroom. Why is that window open?

I forgot how great of a song Castle on a Cloud is.

Today is the day the Keddies take off for South Africa. And I imagine the Tweeds will be traveling to Indianapolis soon. Please pray for all their safety.

Saturday, October 01, 2005


I could have gotten my RAM yesterday except the mail room closed at 5 on Friday and I got off work at 6. Blast!

But patience has paid off. First thing this morning I stopped by the mail room and got my RAM. And here you have it. I went from 256 MB to 1.25 GB in five minutes!

Two sticks of 512

A general lack of RAM

A general abundance of RAM