Friday, January 27, 2006

Fridays are cool

Last semester, Fridays weren't so great. They were my busiest day of the week. I had all my MWF classes, plus some lectures that usually involved quizzes of some sort.

On Fridays this semester, I have lots of free time. And I get to sleep in because my first class isn't until 8:30! But today was especially good of the Fridays. I lost my mechanical pencil which meant I had to use my old wooden pencil which someone from high school took a bite out of like Scruff McGruff takes a bite out of crime. Fun memories.

I changed divisions and sections in math. Imagine my joy when I met my new TA and he started teaching us the unit circle and explaining how to come to conclusions that my old TA just assumed we had memorized. Three cheers for Friday!

Follow up

I wrote this masterpiece when it was past my bedtime. I had to practice my technical handwriting by doing a page. We were told to write whatever we wanted. We're not being graded on content, but handwriting. It's a good thing.

My roommate told me he'd bet money that we could just repeat the alphabet and the numbers 0-9 and we'd get full credit. I didn't take him up on that bet because I thought he was probably right. College is so much cooler than high school. In high school, if we had to work on our handwriting, they probably would tell us that composition, punctuation, grammar, and all those other flowery extras are important.

Here's the famed lock that failed me. I exhort you all to not buy Kryptonite products until they make a public apology for selling such shoddy products that jam up the way they do.

I'm really glad I didn't have to buy bolt cutters to get it off. Stealing across campus toting some huge bolt cutters and coming up to a helpless bike wasn't really what I would have considered cool. I don't imagine you can really help but be really self-conscious when you're carrying bolt cutters. Bolt cutters mean that something exciting is about to happen. Excitement and locked bikes don't mix.

Again with CAD

I just about officially like AutoCAD now. It's so nifty for doing useless things.

Being vector-based means I can zoom in just about all I want and it never gets pixelated. Woo!

I'm going to hang out in Knoy and EE for a while.

I randomly describe the week

So last Tuesday my bike got stranded at Windsor because the key broke off in the lock. Mia got a maintenance guy to cut my lock with bolt cutters and I took off to Wal-Mart to get a nifty new lock.

I was pressured into going to AfterDark. The music was très cool. The gospel presentation was interesting too, though he did say one thing that made me think, "Whaat?" Other than that, it was pretty cool. I still kinda wish I could have made it to wallyball.

Greg explained to me how radians work, and the correlation of sin and cosine to x and y. Wow, trig almost makes sense now.

Wednesday night, I spent way too much time writing essays and practicing my technical writing skills.

I turned in those essays Thursday morning and found out I printed too few copies. So I had to run upstairs and print more. My professor is so nice to let me leave class to do that..
I took such a hardcore nap that afternoon that I turned off BOTH alarms in my sleep, my cell phone and alarm clock, and missed my econ lecture. I was invited for dinner over at the girls' house on Salisbury and Caroline was awesome enough to make me a copy of her notes, though.

While doing math homework at Green Gables, I needed a graph of the sin function. So I go to Google Images and type "sin." I don't recommend anyone does that.

Later that night Anna smelled a suspicious odor. My nose, which has been exposed to Triton Central for long enough to know suspicious smells, was recruited to sniff the situation out. The trip back was interesting.

Now I'm done eating breakfast, and it's time for me to go to my econ recitation. Perhaps I'll go more in-depth later.

Cool song: Radiohead - Amnesiac/Morning Bell

Thursday, January 19, 2006


I'm not much for math. I'm less for geometry. But after using AutoCAD and actually having a vague idea of what was going on, I think my interest has been piqued. Even though these are fairly plain, base, and useless, there's something satisfying about creating and working with shapes and making them all fit into a coherent vector-based design.

Fickle me not, dear weather

There comes a time every year when I get really excited about the seasons. When fall gets here, I love it. The air cools off but the sun stays warm. Plus, in Indiana, we're blessed with a wide palatte of foliage. But after a while fall gets kinda old and tired and it's time for something new.

Usually in the nick of time, winter comes along and brings with it snow. This year was especially true. Big huge honkin' flakes falling down like crazy, getting something like five inches of snow in one night. That's good for a few weeks at the most, then the snow starts melting away and not being so pretty. I think to myself that we need something else to come along.

But then!

Two days ago we got what looked like a promise of a good deal of snow. It didn't last more than forty minutes, though. The flakes were huge and it came down in healthy amounts, looked awesome, but it was already looking sad by the next day. It's time to move on.

And today is what seems to be our first little taste of spring weather. I'm excited. I can't wait to walk barefoot through some cool springy green grass. I don't care if it's still January.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Just thought I'd follow up with a post explaining that just because my blurb on winter conference was short doesn't mean it wasn't so great. Actually, it was so great I can hardly write about it all, hence the shortness.

Also thought I'd note that there was a well-dressed student standing near the bags at the cafeteria. As I walked past him, he says, "You shop like my grandma." The random insult man has struck!

Random note: Wallyball tonight!

Post winter conference blues

Ok, so I'm not really blue but I gotta keep the titles consistent.

Winter conference was awesome. I was maybe a little nervous about the messages to begin with. I thought that we were going to be told to grab a partner, get married, be fruitful, and multiply because that's how everyone's life should be! Looking back, that's a bit irrational to expect that from an RP pastor (I'm so elitist. Not really.) There was no personal advice given, no step-by-step instructions, no recommended courses of action, but just good guidelines to follow. I thought the lists Pastor Selvaggio gave were just all-around helpful and convicting. I know I'm not alone in this as there were at least two others who publicly shared that.

Plus it was great to meet new people and get to know a lot more people much better than I did before. It was just great, man. I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked to, though. Ah... next time, ol' bean, next time...

Here's the part where I put in a link to a photo album with a comprehensive collection of the pictures I took. Here it is. It's coming. Link.

And now I'm back at school. Bah.

Random note: Kara, if you were wondering what Anna and I were talking about when we mentioned your necktie skirt, you can check it out here.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Pre-winter conference jitters

MAN! We leave for winter conference today! Woop woop! I'm lovin it since I'm predicting this semester will be 2.784 times harder than the first one.




Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Some pictures

How rude of me! I never did post any pictures from Christmas.

In case you didn't notice, Christmas in Connersville has to be big. I don't know why, but that's just the way it is.

I forgot the power cable for my monitor, so I hooked my computer up to the TV.

Kids and Christmas.. I tell ya what.

"Adults" and Christmas.. I tell ya what.


When Christmas break was beginning, I briefly felt like I was expected to work while on vacation. Then I realized--it's not like I'm jobless, and it's not like I have stopped being a student. I'm just allowed to have a nice long break from it.

Not that I'm trying to justify three and a half weeks of not doing any real work, save lugging my stuff as I move around.

So here I am in West Lafayette, the week before classes start. I briefly swung by my dorm room to pick up my old textbooks to sell. Cary Quad is d-e-a-d dead. But it's kinda nice to see the lack of activity. There really isn't anything except a few people moving in to apartments and joggers. There's something strangely satisfying with the relaxed pace.

That bookstore--I don't understand them. They'd buy my Microsoft Outlook book back, but not Word, Powerpoint, Excel or Frontpage.


Chicken Dance Dance Revolution
So my brother Paul was telling me how he was getting his wife a PS2 and DDR for their anniversary, in addition to a dinner. Then what should I see on but this!