Thursday, November 24, 2005


Happy Turkey Day Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 18, 2005

Cancelled Class and Critter Curators

I take off for my 10:30 CPT 135 class only to find out it's cancelled. That's a little annoying, seeing as it's freezing cold outside. I was wondering to myself, why was I led out here in the cold for nothing?

Little did I realize my question would be answered.

Along Stadium Avenue, I saw my first ever squirrel lady. She was everything you would expect. Overstuffed coat, straw hat, thick pink framed glasses, black sweat pants, sneakers, hunched over, with two grocery bags of peanuts. I would have taken a picture of one of these elusive figures that keep the squirrels on campus so happy, but I decided against it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Most curious

So I'm walking along the basement of Cary Quad when I stumble upon a most curious object. It's a channeler of toxic gases! But what could possibly be emanating in Cary? Paint thinner? Crushed Sudafed dust? Methyl bromide?

It really is a mystery.

But it must be serious to warrant duct tape.

So the forecast mentioned flurries in the evening. I thought to myself, "Maybe it'll happen, but probably not." And what should I see when I walk out of COM 114 but little white specks sticking to garbage cans and spots of the ground where there isn't any grass. And as I drive to get some estimates, the heater in the van was blowing on the windshield at full blast. It makes the coolest noise. Sounds like winter.

There weren't any cars to be washed today. I washed a total of one. I did take out a total of four seats though, so I wasn't idle the whole time.. I was doing some physical labor for about fifteen minutes.

With it getting cold and nothing but finals to look forward to, I sense a bout of laziness coming up. I took my last test before finals. It was a math exam. I thought I missed one or two. I missed a whole lot more.

If I would have gotten a score like that in high school, I would have cried.

If I would have gotten a score like that in college, I would have cried.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Sleeping on the couch again

I can hear the rain hitting the windows. That's pretty cool.

My left arm hurts again, more than ever. According to my cousin, my face was turning red as I was clutching my arm in pain. I didn't see it myself obviously, but yeah, that was some bad pain. It's still sore. I'm pretty tired of my arm and all the crap it's been giving me. The pain killers didn't do squat. I think I'm going to amputate my arm. It's just my left one anyway.

Yuck it's 12:30

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Concerning sleep

I really should be asleep right now. Except I'm not.

My bed doesn't feel right. I'm at home by the way. So instead of being in my bed where I should be, I'm laying on the couch. Hopefully that will work out better.

I saw Triton Central's presentation of The Foreigner. It was a pretty durn good play. Funny. I'm really sorry that I'm not still part of the drama cast. It was a ton of fun to see the cast go from stumbling over all their lines to mastering them (for the most part) and then to see them add their own twist to the lines. Sadly, you don't get to see any of that as you just observe it once as an audience member.

For this reason, I think The Nerd was a more enjoyable play. Because I was actually involved. But The Foreigner was good too, which makes me all the more sorry I wasn't in it.


Driving on the north side of Indianapolis this afternoon, I was reminded very much of going to strange and new restuarants with Paul on Thansgiving. The first time was to an Afghani (Afghan? I don't know the proper word) restaurant called Kabul. It was the night before Thanksgiving. And very cold. I thought it was so neat being in an area I was unfamiliar with, spending some quality time with Paul and his wife Amy. Then the other time was to a Russian restaurant (I forget the name) but afterwards we went to a friend of Paul's house. I remember it was snowing that night, too. Man, good times. It's kinda funny how just driving through an area of Indianapolis will bring it all back.

Well, I need to put the lappy back down and shut my eyes. I'm really tired. "In My Life" by The Beatles is a really cool song.

It is now my intention to fall asleep.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Bicycle woes

So last night I'm riding over to Windsor at a considerable velocity. There's a huge hole in the sidewalk. After running right through the middle of it, I noticed my gears seemed to be changing back and forth with every fifth or sixth cycle of the pedals. It continued doing this on the way to class this morning, so I decided to take a closer look.

Turns out it's not changing gears, but apparently there's slack in the chain and the chain is sort of folding up over itself right as it gets off of the gear, and when I pedal, it pulls the slack out with a thunking noise which sounds and feels like changing gears. Anyway, I don't know what gives. It saddens me. That old bike has seen better days.

Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this?

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

This isn't interesting

Tonight I decided my keyboard was indescribably dirty. I mean, there were foot long hairs under the keys from when my hair was long and stuff. Just nasty. I cleaned it. I'm pretty proud of myself.

I wanted to put a single key back in the keyboard backwards. But Dell made them idiot proof so they only go in one way.


Monday, November 07, 2005


So I walk in to Green Gables a few days ago to see Josh Sturm hard at work on his dad's birthday present. Or at least part of the birthday present.


Don't mess up

Here are some pictures of Ross making macaroni.

Certain mothers should be proud.

Concerning what is cool and what isn't

Singing Psalms is cool. I really needed that last night over at the Bright/Reinhardt/Wegener place.

The pokey springs on the underside of van seats are not so cool.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I checked my schedule for next semester. I have a 7:30 am class four out of five days!! And it's Englilsh!